Mitzi, David B. “Introduction: Perovskites.” Chemical Reviews 119, no. 5 (March 2019): 3033–35.
Ding, J., Q. Han, Q. Q. Ge, D. J. Xue, J. Y. Ma, B. Y. Zhao, Y. X. Chen, J. Liu, D. B. Mitzi, and J. S. Hu. “Fully Air-Bladed High-Efficiency Perovskite Photovoltaics.” Joule 3, no. 2 (February 20, 2019): 402–16.
Zhu, L. L., Y. E. Huang, Y. P. Lin, X. Y. Huang, H. Q. Liu, D. B. Mitzi, and K. Z. Du. “Stereochemically active lead chloride enantiomers mediated by homochiral organic cation.” Polyhedron 158 (January 15, 2019): 445–48.
Li, Tianyang, Wiley A. Dunlap-Shohl, Eric W. Reinheimer, Pierre Le Magueres, and David B. Mitzi. “Melting temperature suppression of layered hybrid lead halide perovskites via organic ammonium cation branching.” Chemical Science 10, no. 4 (January 2019): 1168–75.
Khazaee, M., K. Sardashti, C. C. Chung, J. P. Sun, H. Zhou, E. Bergmann, W. A. Dunlap-Shohl, et al. “Dual-source evaporation of silver bismuth iodide films for planar junction solar cells.” Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7, no. 5 (January 1, 2019): 2095–2105.
Dunlap-Shohl, W. A., I. G. Hill, Y. Yan, and D. B. Mitzi. “Photovoltaic Effect in Indium(I) Iodide Thin Films.” Chemistry of Materials 30, no. 22 (November 27, 2018): 8226–32.
Ghadiri, Elham, Donghyeop Shin, Ashkan Shafiee, Warren S. Warren, and David B. Mitzi. “Grain-Resolved Ultrafast Photophysics in Cu2BaSnS4- xSe x Semiconductors Using Pump-Probe Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy and Microscopy.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, no. 46 (November 2018): 39615–23.
Han, Q., J. Ding, Y. Bai, T. Li, J. Y. Ma, Y. X. Chen, Y. Zhou, et al. “Carrier Dynamics Engineering for High-Performance Electron-Transport-Layer-free Perovskite Photovoltaics.” Chem 4, no. 10 (October 11, 2018): 2405–17.
Liu, Chi, William Huhn, Ke-Zhao Du, Alvaro Vazquez-Mayagoitia, David Dirkes, Wei You, Yosuke Kanai, David B. Mitzi, and Volker Blum. “Tunable Semiconductors: Control over Carrier States and Excitations in Layered Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites.” Physical Review Letters 121, no. 14 (October 2018): 146401.
Wessler, G. C., T. Zhu, J. P. Sun, A. Harrell, W. P. Huhn, V. Blum, and D. B. Mitzi. “Band Gap Tailoring and Structure-Composition Relationship within the Alloyed Semiconductor Cu2BaGe1- xSnxSe4.” Chemistry of Materials 30, no. 18 (September 25, 2018): 6566–74.
Teymur, B., Y. Zhou, E. Ngaboyamahina, J. T. Glass, and D. B. Mitzi. “Solution-Processed Earth-Abundant Cu2BaSn(S,Se)4 Solar Absorber Using a Low-Toxicity Solvent.” Chemistry of Materials 30, no. 17 (September 11, 2018): 6116–23.
Jiang, Ting, Yusong Bai, Qiwei Han, David Mitzi, and Michael Therien. “How to turn iron into ruthenium.” In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 256. AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2018.
Li, Tianyang, Xiaoming Wang, Yanfa Yan, and David B. Mitzi. “Phase Stability and Electronic Structure of Prospective Sb-Based Mixed Sulfide and Iodide 3D Perovskite (CH3NH3)SbSI2.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9, no. 14 (July 2018): 3829–33.
Khazaee, M., K. Sardashti, J. P. Sun, H. Zhou, C. Clegg, I. G. Hill, J. L. Jones, D. C. Lupascu, and D. B. Mitzi. “A Versatile Thin-Film Deposition Method for Multidimensional Semiconducting Bismuth Halides.” Chemistry of Materials 30, no. 10 (May 22, 2018): 3538–44.
Mitzi, David. “Halide perovskites beyond CH3NH3PbI3: Structural diversity and opportunities for semiconductor design.” In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 255. AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2018.
Dunlap-Shohl, W. A., E. T. Barraza, A. Barrette, K. Gundogdu, A. D. Stiff-Roberts, and D. B. Mitzi. “MAPbI3 Solar Cells with Absorber Deposited by Resonant Infrared Matrix-Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation.” ACS Energy Letters 3, no. 2 (February 9, 2018): 270–75.
Barraza, E. T., W. A. Dunlap-Shohl, D. B. Mitzi, and A. D. Stiff-Roberts. “Deposition of Methylammonium Lead Triiodide by Resonant Infrared Matrix-Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation.” Journal of Electronic Materials 47, no. 2 (February 1, 2018): 917–26.
Zhou, Y., D. Shin, E. Ngaboyamahina, Q. Han, C. B. Parker, D. B. Mitzi, and J. T. Glass. “Efficient and Stable Pt/TiO2/CdS/Cu2BaSn(S,Se)4 Photocathode for Water Electrolysis Applications.” ACS Energy Letters 3, no. 1 (January 12, 2018): 177–83.
Dunlap-Shohl, W. A., T. B. Daunis, X. Wang, J. Wang, B. Zhang, D. Barrera, Y. Yan, J. W. P. Hsu, and D. B. Mitzi. “Room-temperature fabrication of a delafossite CuCrO2 hole transport layer for perovskite solar cells.” Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6, no. 2 (January 1, 2018): 469–77.
Stiff-Roberts, A. D., D. B. Mitzi, E. T. Barraza, and W. A. Dunlap-Shohl. “Resonant infrared matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation of hybrid perovskites.” In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Vol. Part F107-NOMA 2018, 2018.
Liu, J., Q. Han, Y. Bai, K. Z. Du, T. Li, D. Ji, Y. Zhou, et al. “Additive engineering for high-performance room-temperature-processed perovskite absorbers with micron-size grains and microsecond-range carrier lifetimes.” Energy and Environmental Science 10, no. 11 (November 1, 2017): 2365–71.
Du, K. Z., X. Wang, Q. Han, Y. Yan, and D. B. Mitzi. “Heterovalent B-Site Co-Alloying Approach for Halide Perovskite Bandgap Engineering.” ACS Energy Letters 2, no. 10 (October 13, 2017): 2486–90.
Zhu, T., W. P. Huhn, G. C. Wessler, D. Shin, B. Saparov, D. B. Mitzi, and V. Blum. “I2-II-IV-VI4 (I = Cu, Ag; II = Sr, Ba; IV = Ge, Sn; VI = S, Se): Chalcogenides for Thin-Film Photovoltaics.” Chemistry of Materials 29, no. 18 (September 26, 2017): 7868–79.
Xiao, Zewen, Ke‐Zhao Du, Weiwei Meng, David B. Mitzi, and Yanfa Yan. “Chemical Origin of the Stability Difference between Copper(I)‐ and Silver(I)‐Based Halide Double Perovskites.” Angewandte Chemie 129, no. 40 (September 25, 2017): 12275–79.
Xiao, Zewen, Ke-Zhao Du, Weiwei Meng, David B. Mitzi, and Yanfa Yan. “Chemical Origin of the Stability Difference between Copper(I)- and Silver(I)-Based Halide Double Perovskites.” Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English) 56, no. 40 (September 2017): 12107–11.